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Giving Wings to Little Prisoners
2012 CNN Hero Pushpa Basnet found her calling when she was still a student in social work in Nepal. While visiting a women's prison as an assignment for one of her classes, she felt a tug on her shawl and a little girl smiled at her from behind bars -- a child living with her mother in prison. That image haunted Pushpa until she graduated, and she started a daycare in the morning for children aged... posted on Jul 30 2012, 3,302 reads


9-yr-old Helps Disabled Brother Finish Triathlons
Over the weekend, brothers Cayden and Connor Long joined hundreds of other children as they competed in the first annual New England Kids Triathlon in Cambridge. The boys did not win the event -- they didn't even come close. But that didn't stop them from winning hearts across the Internet. The Long brothers are not your typical triathletes. Six-year-old Cayden has cerebral palsy and can neither w... posted on Jul 29 2012, 25,027 reads


Better Eating through Mindfulness
More than a billion people around the world are overweight, leading to all kinds of health challenges. "Obesity increases health risks like heart disease, stroke, and diabetes, to name a few, and the health care costs to treat obesity-related illness are skyrocketing, with Center for Disease Control estimates in 2008 reaching $147 billion dollars (just in the US). But now there is a new prescripti... posted on Jul 28 2012, 19,471 reads


Meeting Michael: A Kindness Story
"I was sitting at my desk today, looking out the window. I saw an old homeless man crossing the street, carrying a suitcase. I remembered the many times I had looked on from afar, feeling sorry for the homeless but doing nothing... Sometimes we think about compassion but we push it into the deep corners of our heart because we're too busy with life, too shy, or too afraid of strangers. But all it ... posted on Jul 27 2012, 7,444 reads


A Bicycle Nomad Prepares for Re-entry
In 2010, Manjula Martin and her partner set out to see the world the old-fashioned way: by bicycle. With little money, no itinerary, gadgets or training, they traversed five countries and 3,500 miles and discovered a world filled with generosity. In this article, Manjula Martin describes the transition from bike to home with four rules for re-entry that are strikingly authentic, grounded, and univ... posted on Jul 26 2012, 13,173 reads


Happiness: Getting Our Priorities Straight
There is a vitally important shift underway in how we think about progress. Growing numbers of economists, political leaders and expert commentators are calling for better measures of how well society is doing; measures that track not just our economic standard of living, but our overall quality of life. We too can benefit from a shift in priorities and a recognition that real happiness is less ab... posted on Jul 25 2012, 15,970 reads


The Way of the Peaceful Parent
"While I have learned a lot about being a dad, and finding joy in parenthood, I also know that stress-free parenting is a myth. Parents will always have stress: we not only have to deal with tantrums and scraped knees and refusing to eat anything you cook, but we worry about potential accidents, whether we are ruining our kids, whether our children will find happiness as adults and be able to prov... posted on Jul 24 2012, 82,643 reads


Remembering Stephen Covey
In 1989, Stephen R. Covey penned The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, a book that went on to sell millions of copies worldwide and defined a new genre bridging self-improvement, business management, and personal productivity. Last week, Covey passed away at the age of 79. Maria Popova of Brain Pickings takes a look back at his legacy with some of the keenest insights from his beloved bestselle... posted on Jul 23 2012, 18,113 reads


Pilgrims for Peace: One Couple's Incredible Journey
"In the life of each and every one of us, there is a defining moment, one after which we know that our lives will never be the same. For me, 9/11 was that moment." Mony Dojeiji's defining moment eventually led her to an ancient pilgrimage route in Spain, where a chance encounter with an artist would change both of their lives forever. Together they would end up walking a pilgrimage for peace in J... posted on Jul 22 2012, 12,199 reads


One of the Greatest Love Stories Ever
This animated StoryCorps video tells one of the greatest love stories ever. Funny, touching, and insightful, Danny and Annie share the story of their ordinary yet wondrous journey together, right from their very first date up until their final farewell.... posted on Jul 21 2012, 11,231 reads


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Each day is a journey, and the journey itself home.
Matsuo Basho

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